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Keywords are shorthand explanations of common effects found in the game. Keyword explanation texts can be found on the card. Here you can read a little more about how various keyword effects work.



Ability - Can be played directly from your resources

Alert - May not be targeted by opponent’s card effects.

  • Targeting cards refers to card effects with the word "Target"

  • Card effects that do not include the word target may effect cards with the "Alert" Keyword.

BattleFall - Activates when archived from the field.


Cast - Determines at what phase a card or effect can be played or activated

  • Battle - may be activated during battle phase

  • Main - may be activated during main phase

  • Camp - may be activated during the camp phase

  • Rest - may be activated during the rest phase

Combo - Can only be played on your initiative of the battle phase. (See Battle initiative)

Combo: x- 

  • The number indicates the timing in the combo chain for this effect to activate.

  • Combo: 2 would mean this is the second card with the combo keyword played directly after another combo card.


Conjure - Must be played face down before activation.

  • Conjure cards may be activated on the turn they are played.

Counter - Activated from hand in response to an opponent's action

  • Play -Activates when a card is being played

  • Attack - Activates when an enemy ally attacks

  • Counter cards without specific reactions can be activated in response to any opponent action.


Dispose  - Place x cards from your cache into your archive. 

Embark - Activates when entering play.

Exhaust - cannot be unrested during camp phase.

Fortify - Activated when this character defends.

Heavy - cards may not be played into adjacent slots.

Instinct - May only be attacked by a character directly across from this card.

Nest - Place cards underneath a card.

Parry - halves incoming DMG. (Dmg dealt is rounded up.)

Passive - Effects that are always active

  • Passive effects with activation requirements may only be activated during a players initiative

  • Passive effect cannot be activated in response to other actions unless specified.

Promote - Archive Acolytes with the required type and cost, to play this card for free.

Provoke - Your Party Leader cannot be attacked while this card is in play.

RallyCall - Activated when this character attacks.

Range - Cannot be counter attacked

Reaction - Cache a card from hand to activate.

Refine - You may pay for this card's cost with cards from your cache instead of resources.

  • Resource cost is converted per card archived from cache.

  • Refine cannot be paid by resources. 

Silence - Negates all effect text on a card.

Stealth - May not be attacked while Standing

Summon - Cached at the end of turn.

Support - Can only be activated in the support area.

  • Support effects cannot be activated while in the character area of the field

Swift - May attack the turn this is played

Transgress - May Attack Support characters


Battle Keywords

Stagger - Remove defense from an ally

Piercing - When this attack breaks a shield, it deals 1 Impact DMG.

Critical - Deals double HP DMG

Unblockable - Deals Strike DMG, disregarding Defense.

Dual Strike - Attacks twice in a single battle initiative.

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